3rd Grade Profits

Junior Achievement - The students were very engaged during our Profit and Loss Game today. They had to use their math skills to add up all their revenues then subtract their expenses to calculate their ending profit.
Some sources of revenue we learned about were...
providing services - Liam
selling stuff - LJ
getting tips for good service - Kai
Some expenses we learned about were...
paying back a loan - Katie
advertising- Taneya
getting robbed - Colin

STEM - The last time we did this STEM challenge we used marshmallows and toothpicks. The students thought that they could build much taller structures if they had better building supplies. They brainstormed and cam up with gum drops and clay. So today we modified our building materials and tried the challenge again. The bar was set much HIGHER...congrats to our winning team whose structure stood at 31 inches.
This dynamic duo was able to create a very stable structure with a height of 27 inches!

7 Habits - Today we read a short story about how to create a win-win situation. Next week we will continue to work on this habit and practice being good winners and losers.

Musical Practice - It's that time of year...dust of your CD players because I sent home CD's with each student today so they can begin practicing at home and in the car:)


  1. today was so much fun thankyou mrs.peterson

  2. it was so much fun today thank you mrs.peterson-love pearson w.:)


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