First Grade STEM

Junior Achievement
We learned...
"What a map key is" - Teagan
"Where businesses and hospitals should be on a map" - Brayden
"What symbols on a map represent" - Kevin

Dictionary Skills
We learned...
"How to find syllables in a word" - Daniel
"How to look up words in the dictionary" - Harrison
"A dictionary has page numbers" - Lily
"There are guide words at the top of each page" - Elle
"Some words have more than one meaning" - Tobyn
Our first STEM Challenge: Flying Bats
Students were given 2 pieces of black construction paper, a paper clip, and oil pastels to decorate their bats. The challenge was to create a paper bat that could fly the furthest. Kevin and Harrison had the most successful designs which were long and narrow like an airplane. Many students became frustrated at their initial flight failure, but we discussed that during a design process it is ok to mess up, but you can't give up!
"STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics" - Tobyn
"It is ok to mess up, but you cannot give up!" - Mrs. Pedersen


  1. Harrison said that he loved the flying bat activity!!

  2. We were very interested to hear Tobyn tell us what STEM stands for and to see the bat glider he made in class today.


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