Fabulous Friday with Fourth Graders

Today we read aloud The Quilt maker's Gift which is a wonderful fable about generosity. Then the students created their own paper quilt squares which we will "weave" together and hang in the classroom. Here are a few of the lessons the students took away from this story...
"Don't be greedy" - Zach
"Don't have anxiety about what you don't have be thankful for what you do have" - Sofia
"You are not poor if you are happy"- Laura
"Give to the poor instead of taking for yourself" -Emily
"You can hang out with someone which is a gift of time and friendship" - Colton, Courtney, and Alex

We love our Gratitude Journals! Here are a few things we are thankful for today...
"Bacon" - Colton (thank you for making me laugh out loud...you are hilarious!)
"My family" - Jaxson
"My bunny Foo" - Alex
"My brother" - Shubhangi
We are all thankful to be part of the Chets Creek Family so we each took a sticky note and jotted down a reason why we love it...
"My gifted students teach me something new everyday" -Mrs. Pedersen
"We have gifted, WOW days, great themes and privileges that other schools don't have - Andrew 
"We have the greatest teachers!" - Sofia
"It is a huge fam" - Laura
Chess with Mr. Husein
What did you learn from our chess lesson today???
"The dark square needs to be on the bottom left corner when setting up the board" Andrew
"You get to take breaks during a chess tournament" Emma
"When you take a break you have to write down your next move on a piece of paper and place it in a sealed envelope and give it to the judge" - Kayleigh



  1. I remember that day it was really fun-allison


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