5th Grade Chemical Changes

Students get their brains warmed up with Halloween-themed logic puzzles

 Testable Question: What kind of change will occur when you mix vinegar and baking soda???
 I feel a temperature change...
 I hear fizzing...
 I see the balloon inflating
 hmmm...these are all signs of a chemical change!
 A good scientists always records their observations!
 Students worked hard creating Excel spreadsheets and double line graphs comparing the Cubs and Indians winning records. GO CUBS!This activity was great practice for creating tables and graphs which they will need to know how to do for their Science Fair projects. 
Reminder Science Fair projects are due November 17th!!!


  1. really enjoyed doing the vinegar baking soda lab- Courtney Brown

  2. I am so excited that we got rubix cubes and the baking soda and vinegar experiment was so cool.

  3. That day was so much fun! Lets do it again! -rylie Darkatsh

  4. I finally got my science fair done!!!! Rylie d


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