5th Grade Rubik's Cubers

My how they have grown! I have had the pleasure of working with most of these students since they were 3rd graders and I was thrilled to welcome them back into my classroom this morning. They were able to jump right back into our rituals & routines starting with a wake-up work activity. This group was very resourceful and asked to use a globe to help them solve one of the puzzles on their work sheet.
One of my goals this year is to help my students improve their perseverance and thinking stamina. What better way to challenge them than the classic Rubik's Cube! Another Teacher of the Gifted told me about the Rubik's Cube Challenge Program and I was able to sign up and borrow 24 cubes and solution booklets for 6 weeks. No one was able to complete the cube today so we will persevere next week!

Think Fun Time
