2nd Grade Jelly Jaws

Banking our Behavior Bucks
Students were able to trade in their singles for 10's today as we worked on our combinations of ten. This Early Release Wednesday we will open our store so students can spend their well-earned money!

 Mrs. McLeod performed a fun and animated read aloud of Giant Jelly Jaws and the Pirates.
We take turns passing around the microphone during our morning meetings to share whatever is on our minds or in our hearts! This is a great time for us to get to know each other and practice our speaking and listening skills.
We had 6 engaging learning centers for the kids to rotate through today. In our Science center students used pan balances, hand lenses, and rulers to measure shells and rocks from our treasure chest.
In our Math center students worked on their fluency using Reflex Math and Zearn.
Mrs. Justo was the captain of our Reading center where students used context clues to figure out the meaning of pirate lingo found in our Read Aloud from earlier this morning.
Students really wowed us with their creativity designing pirate flags in our Social Studies center.
These mateys enjoyed working on critical thinking games during our Think Fun time.
