K-1 Cake Bakers

Junior Achievement
Today concluded our Junior Achievement program with Ms. Kim. We will miss her dearly!
The students' culminating activity was to create a cake business with a partner. They had to present their business ideas to the class. They had fun becoming entrepreneurs!
"My favorite activity with Ms. Kim was creating a name for my bakery"- Teagan
"I liked drawing my minion cake" - Brendan

Ms. Kim presented each student with a certificate for completing the Junior Achievement Program and gave them a goody bag. What a wonderful volunteer!
The Science of Sound
Did you know bats use echolocation to find their food? This concept lead us into the Science of Sound. We decided to explore how sound waves travel  by experimenting with tuning forks and water.
"If you hit a tuning fork on the table then stick it in a bowl of water the sound wave will make a ripple." - Lily

Learning does not stop in the classroom...many social skills are learned at recess! Today we learned how to make new friends, play fairly, and communicate our feelings.
Students completed their art projects today by adding a Diamante Poem to their paintings.
"We wrote a poem using verbs and adjectives to describe bats." - Kevin & Teagan


  1. Thank you so much for the posts, I love how the kids are having so much fun while learning! Lily loves to go to gifted each week and I always look forward to reading about what she did and seeing the pictures! Thank you for the updates


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