4th Grade Turkey Tales

Giving Thanks for Pillows???
Wow! The 4th graders did a great job thinking outside the box today when writing their Turkey Tales. They each had to draw a word out of a bucket and write about why they are thankful for it. Here's the catch...the words in the bucket were common objects like pillows, shoes, clocks, even baby wipes! So they had to be clever when writing their Turkey Tales. Students will get to vote on their favorite Turkey Tales and the winners will be announced after Thanksgiving.

STEM Activity
Marshmallow Catapults were modified and re-tested using 4,5,and 6 popsicle sticks. Weather conditions were less than ideal since the wind blew the marshmallows all over the basketball court. If at first you don't succeed try try again...so this challenge continues on.

Think Fun
Whiz Kids playing Whiz Kids


  1. Making turkey tales was awesome!!! I loved my picture, also pillows!!-Rylie

  2. wiz kids is a great game! love gifted!!!! -rylie

  3. I loved doing the turkeys mine was fire drills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-Avery

  4. I like turkey tales. Shoes. I did shoes.-Zach

  5. Mrs.Pederson is the best I liked making turkeys.-Avery


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