Fabulous 4th Graders

Wow our 4th graders have really matured over the summer! We had a fun-filled day getting reacquainted with one another and welcoming a couple of new students to our circus. During our beach ball ice-breaker activity we learned....
Aryan is hilarious!
If Andrew could be any animal he would be a dog because they have no responsibilities...just eat, sleep, and play ball!
If Chantal could visit any place in the world she would go to Bolivia because her family lives there and she will be moving there soon...we will miss her dearly.
If Colton could be any animal he would be a Cheetah because they are very fast.

Mr. Husein is a volunteer from Land Star who will be visiting us each week to teach us how to play chess. Here are a few tips the kids learned this week about setting up the chess board...
"The queen is always on her own color" - Shubhangi
"The king is next to the queen and she is picky so place her first" - Emily
"White is on the right when setting up the board" - Kayleigh

We created binder covers with self-portraits and wow did they turn out great!

Here is our serious side...

And of course we wanted to show our silly side...

Have a marvelous weekend and thank you for visiting our blog. Please leave a comment and share your thoughts!


  1. First Comment! -Clancy

  2. I love Gifted and Mrs. Pederson!

  3. today was really fun I had a blast- Allison

  4. hi Mrs. Pederson why do we do the 7 habits every year.-Allison

    1. Habits are things that you do over and over again and the 7 habits are supposed to be tools that you learn to use in a different way each year. By reviewing them and doing different activities I hope that they will stick with you forever!


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